BOVING d.o.o. is a family owned company that designs, manufactures, installs and maintains surface treatment plants with waste water treatment equipment and ventilation for removing and process aggressive gasses, automation and upgrade of plants and technological process as well as offers individual programme components.
Employees with many years of experience and a wide network of providers and partners allow BOVING d.o.o. to offer individual components and devices as well as the comprehensive process, from the design of technology and technological solutions, planning, production, installation and the commissioning of the plant according to the “turnkey” principle.
We offer:
- Design and manufacturing of surface pretreatment, electroplating, chemical and other surface treatment lines
- Design and manufacturing of waste water treatment equipment
- Design and manufacturing of ventilation systems and equipment for processing gases from lines and other devices
- Production of plastic products
- Update and upgrade of existing surface treatment plants
- Individual palting equipment from the production programme and other components